Friday 27 September 2013

Compare these two sports.

 Outdoor Fishing - Outdoor sports   Winter Skiing Extreme Sports


  1. The first sport is outdoor-fishing and the second sport is winter-skiing.
    In the first picture we can see a man with a fishing rod in a waterfall and in the second picture we can see a man jump in the air with the skis sticks. But these two sports are very different, the fishing isn´t so dangerous as the skiing. In the second sport you put your live in danger, you are to many height and if you jump, you can die. Or else, the first sport is safe for you, because you can relax with the stream´s sound and you only have wait the fish sting.

    1. Errors.
      -you can see a man jumping
      -you are too high
      -is safer for you
      Good job

  2. The first sport is fishing and the second is skiing. In the first one, fishing, there is a person in the river with a fishing rod. From my point of view this is the safest sport in these two photos. Also fishing is easier than skiing. In the second sport, skiing, there is a person jumping from a snow cliff. I think that this sport is too dangerous because of the relief of the mountains. Also skiing is a very difficult sport because you have to skiing a lot of time to do it well. Finally, if I would have to choose one of them I would choose skiing because for me is very funny but doing it carefully.

    1. Error:
      it is very funny (lack of subject)
      GOOD JOB.

  3. In the first one there is a person who is fishing. He is in a river, in a forest. In the second one there is a person practising skii in the mountains. I think the first pick is not dangerous but if you fall off, you can hurt your knees, your ankles or break a leg but this option is unlikely. I think the second pick is very difficult and very dangerous. If you fall off when you are practising this sport you can break your arms, your legs... and you can die. If I would have to choose one of the pictures, I would choose fishing because it's more relaxed and less dangerous.

    1. Errors:
      2nd conditional "if I had to choose ...... I would choose...
      more relaxing

  4. The person who appears in the first photo is fishing and the person in the second photo is skiing. I think fishing is easier and safer than skiing, but you can go fishing in a stony river with a loud current of water and fall, and you can go skiing in a safe track with a guide and it could be safer than fishing. I'd choose skiing because is more entertained than fishing, because if you can't find any fish, it would be very boring.

  5. The first picture is a man fishing and the second picture, the man who appears, is skiing. For me, fishing is less dangerous than skiing but not always. If you face wild animals like snakes or crocodiles in a river, your life could be in danger because the animals can kill you with their strength and there isn´t any hospital near there. Also, skiing is difficult and you can die or break a leg, for example, if you fall wrong. Nevertheless, i´d choose skiing because i really like adventure sports and i also love snow and mountains.

  6. The two images show very different sports: fishing and skiing.
    The two sports are very different, but, both have in common that they are practiced in a natural landscape. The two sports are individual sports, but, they can be practiced with other people.
    Fishing is practiced with a fishing rod and skiing is practiced with a skiing sticks.
    From my point of view, skiing is more dangerous than fishing, because if you fall down skiing, you can break a bone, however, fishing is quiet and relaxing.

  7. The first image is a man going fishing, one sees the man with a rod of going fishing and second a man skiing, one sees that this jumping. For me the fishing is mas sure that the ski because it is relaxed but also it has dangers such the serpents and aquatic dangerous animals. The ski is mas difficult but it is more appealing to people that they like the risk but if you fall down you can break a bone. I´d choose the ski because the risk has emotion and because I like the scenery of the mountains.

    1. Errors:
      -one sees the man with a rod going.....
      -and the second man is skiing, one sees that the man is jumping.
      - fishing is safer than skiing
      -skiing is more difficult
      - people that like.....
      - When you talk about the sport it is "skiing" you don´t say "the ski"

  8. The first sport is fishing and the second is skiing.
    There are very differents sport because the fishing is a relaxed sport, in this sport you can go with friends or only, is practise in a river or in seas and you need fishing rod and bait.
    The skiing is a adventure sport, so is more dangerous, this sport is for the person risky. This sport is practise in winter, by snow.

    1. ERRORS:
      - very different sports
      - fishing is .....
      -or only, is practise (no sense)
      - you need a fishing...
      -an adventurous sport so it is
      - risky people (check this adjective)
      -is practised .... in the snow.

  9. the first sport is fishing it is a relaxing sport for weekend and you can practise it in summer.the second one is skiing it is a xtream sport and you can prractise it in winter.The first isn´t more dangerous than second one because the first is more quiet than the second one.the two sports are for individual and team competition.

    1. ERRORS:
      - Capital letters
      - quieter than
      Very short and repetitive structures.

  10. The first picture is fishing and the other is skiing. Fishing is a boring sport but quiet in my opinion, and skiing is very dangerous.You can fall and break your leg or arm ... I don't really like.. I wouldn't do anything .I prefer other sports more entertaining. Cycling for example.You can see the landmark. it's nice.

    1. ERRORS.
      -I don´t really like it.
      - I prefer more entertaining sports, cycling for example

  11. The first picture is fishing and the second picture is skiing.
    Fishing is a relaxing sport in my opinión. Many people think that this sport is boring but I don´t think because you do many things for example (prepare the fishing rod, choose the site....)
    Skiing is a tough sport because you need are a strong man. Is dangerous sport because if you fall you can die or break a body part.
    I choose the Skiing because is a daring sport and I like it.

    1. Errors:
      -Don´t use stress on letters (opinión)
      -I don´t think so
      - you need to be a ....
      -It is a dangerous..
      -I choose skiing because it is ..........
      Important mistakes, next time be more careful!

  12. In the picture on the left, there is a person who is catching fish with a fishing road in a river into the forest.
    In the picture on the right, there is a person skiing above the snow on the top of a mountain.
    The most important differences between these pictures are:
    Fishing is quiet and more comfortable than skiing, but skiing is more exciting than fishing. Another difference is if you do skiing, you can get hurt or broke a part of your body, but if you do fishing, there are less probabilities to get hurt than skiing.

  13. The first picture shows a man fishing. I think that is a boring sport, is relaxing, but maybe too much. On the second picture it appears a man skiing, I like ski however, it is a dangerous sport, I think that is amazing, entertaining and funny. Both sports are very differents, the fishing can be practise during all the year and the skiing only during winter or in artificial places.

    1. Errors:
      -I like skiing
      - very different ( no "s" for adjectives)
      - can be practised
      -all over the year
      Check your mistakes

  14. The two sports are very different.The first photo, is fishing, and the second photo is skiing.The fishing is practiced in a river,with a fhising rod and it isnt dangerous.But,this sport can very dangerous.
    The skiing is practiced in a mountains with snow and use a skiing sticks. This sport is very very dangerous,because it can snowfall and you can stay caught in tihs.

    1. Errors:
      - Be careful with punctuation.
      -spelling: fishing
      - it can snowfall and you can stay caught in tihs. (did you use a traslator?)

  15. In the first picture the man is fishing and in the second picture the man is skiing in a mountain.Fishing is a save sport because in the river there aren´t any danger and ski is very dangerous because you can hurt your legs or your arm , and the mountain is too dangerous.

    1. Errors:
      -there aren´t any danger
      -skiing is..

  16. First picture is fishing and the second picture is skiing. Fishing is a save sport because in the river there aren't any danger. Skiing is more dangerous than fishing because you can broke legs or arms and the mountain is very dangerous too.

    1. Errors:
      -there aren´t any danger
      -It is very
      Check your errors!

  17. Hi!! My name is Manuel Gomez .
    The first picture is a man who is fishing in a small river. The forest is peaceful and on the botton there is a mini-bridge .The weather is warn and I suposse that it is wet. In the second picture there is a man who is jumping, he is practising skiing. There are a lot of snow, the weather likes very cold and sunny with any clouds. Of my point of view, you must be careful with that sport, because you can died or broke some bones. In the first picture you need a fishing rod and a drysuit, while in the other one you need two sticks, two ski boards, sunglasses and a wind breaker. If i need choose, I will practise the first one, because you can relax and enjoy the nature.

    1. Errors.
      -Warm (spelling)
      -There is a lot of snow (uncountable)
      -The weather looks very cold
      -from my point of view
      -You can die or break (modal+infinitive)
      - If I were to choose, I would practise......
      Check these errors, otherwise the easy is very good.

  18. the first sport is fishing and the second sport is skiting.
    The fishing do in a river and don´t dangerous . The second sport is very dangerous and do in a mountain.
    The fishing do a lot of year and sking do in winter

    1. ERRORS:
      -Fishing do (check this verb)
      -don´t dangerous.......what is the subject?
      -do in ...... What is the subject?

  19. The first sport is fishing and the second is skiing. In the first picture we can see a person who is fishin in a river, in a forest and it´s not dangerous . In the second picture we can see a person who practising skii in the mountains. I think this sport is very difficult and very dangerous because you can fall.

  20. The two sports are very different.First picture is fishing and the second picture is skiing . The fishing is a relaxed sport, in this sport you can go with friends or only, is practise in a river or in seas and you need fishing rod and bait. Skiing is more dangerous than fishing because you can broke legs or arms and the mountain is very dangerous too

    1. ERRORS.
      -only.....alone, by yourself or on your own.
      -it is practised
      -you can break your....
      OK, a bit short.!

  21. The first sport is fishing and the second sport is winter-skiing. In the first picture, there is a person who is fishing in a river. And in the second picture, there is a man who is jumping in the snow. The second sport is more dangerous than the first, because you can put your life in danger and you can to die.

  22. The first sport is fishing and the second sport is skiing. In the first picture, there is a man into the river, in a peaceful place apparently. In the second picture we can see a person who looks is flying in the air over snow. My opinion is that fishing is easier because it involves less physical effort, but also run the risk of begin hurt on arms or sink. Moreover I think that the skiing is a sport more difficult because it requires lot of physical effort thought is also more dangerous because if you fall you can break any part of the body, if you get lost, you can die frozen or be buried under an snow avalanche. Furthermore fishing is more quiet and comfortable, and skiing is more exciting than the other one.

    1. Errors:
      who looks is flying........who seems to be flying
      but you run the risk of hurting
      GOOD JOB...

  23. The first sport is fishing and the second sport is winter-skiing,are different sports.
    In the first photo appears a river in wich there is a man practicing the sport, is a relaxing sport that you can practice with friends.
    In the second photo appears a snowy mountain where there is a man practicing the skiing, is more dangerous.

    1. ERRORS.
      -are different sports......they are
      -a river appears... (Suject + verb)
      -a snowy mountain appears....
      -it is more dangerous.
