Tuesday 17 September 2013

Welcome to Junior School!

Here you have got a video about starting at Junior School, watch it several times and write a comment telling us the differences between this Junior School and your own school.


  1. There are some evident differences between our school and the other. One of the differences is the ages. In the video's school there are students between seven and twelve years, but in our school the ages are between twelve and eighteen years more or less. An other difference is the principles. In our school there aren't any fixed principle like in the other school. Also the comunication with the parents is very different. In the video's school there are more comunication than in our school because of the ages of the students.

    1. Errors:
      school video; another difference ; principles; there is more communication.
      MY ADVICE. use a dictionary to check the spelling and meaning of words.

  2. Hi !! I`m Manuel Gomez Montenegro
    I think the more importants changes between our highscool and their it`s that there are minigroups and in our highschool we are more students, they wear suit and we can wear the clothes that we want, if you want to go to their school you must to pay money and our school no, the students in their school choose at first the subjects that they want, and definitly the teachers know the students very well. There is other different, the age, in their school the students are more little than in the our.

    1. Errors: check grammar
      -The most important changes between our highschool and theirs is that.
      -there are more students..
      -younger than us

  3. Hello, i´m Laura Aparicio.
    The main differences between the Junior School and our school is that there, the students are between seven and twelve years old and here we are between twelve and eighteen. Another difference is the way that the teachers use to comunicate with parents. Also it changes that the students in the Junior School must wear an uniform and in our highschool you can wear whatever you want and you don´t pay any money. Finally, in the other school there are less students in the classrooms than here.

    1. Error: an uniform ( it should be a uniform because the u is pronounce iu like in a university)
      GOOD JOB!

  4. I'm Victor Jiménez.
    I found some differences between our centre and their school. Their school is huge, I think It is bigger than our centre, but there they have less students than here. Also the students' parents are very involved with the centre. The headmistress interviewed the student before to start the classes, I think here there are not any interview, probably because our centre is a public school, and they study in a private school. They must pay, we not pay anything, we study free.

  5. We can see that our high school is very different in many things than the video's high school. We can't design our own uniform, and we can't choose a lot of subjects because our high school offers less subjects. Also the groups are differents, they are more diversed. This high school is too for younger students than ours. The finallity of the high school is to develop students' brain for obtain that they want to do and they really love. I'd like in this high school we could choose a lot of subjects like in the video's high school.

    1. ERRORS: differents; finallity, for obtain, video´s high school.

  6. The changes between our secondary school whit this junior secondary school is:
    this school have more tecnology than our school for example the microscopes this students of this school wear suit and we can wear the clothes what we want this school are divide in minigroup and our shcool have nearly ten students for class, this school is private (you pay for study here) and our school is public. Finally, I think that this school is more big than our school

    1. The changes between our secondary school and this junior secondary school is:
      The students at this school wear suit and we can wear the clothes that we want
      This school is divided in minigroup and our school has nearly ten students for class, this school is private (you pay to study here) and our school is public. Finally, I think that this school is bigger than our school


  7. Hi, I am Paola Jiménez Sánchez.
    There are some differences between both centres: the first one is our centre is smaller than their centre. They have uniform and they can design their uniform and in Nava we haven't got uniform. The age for stude there is between seven and twelve years old; here, people between twelve and eighteen years old are studing in this centre. They have a lot of material to use and here there aren't many things to use. For have an education there, they must to pay and here, the education is free.

    1. SPELLING ERROR: studying
      To have ; must pay
      GOOD JOB!

  8. I`m Paola Llorente;
    there are a lot of diffrences between their school and our school. Their school is bigger than our scool and in their school there are more people this people wear uniforms but in our school we wear with the clothes that we want, their school is private and in their school there are more materials than our school for study.

  9. Hi! I`m Raúl Diez Muñoz;
    The principal dfference between my centre and their centre is, my centre is too old and there aren´t any technology.This centre is perfect because the classrooms are new , the people wear uniforms and the teachers are incredible.My dream is going to this school.

  10. Hello, I’m Johan Gonzalez.
    There are a lot of difference between our school and their school.
    Our school is smaller than their school and in our school there are less people that is their school.
    In their school the students wear uniforms but in our school it isn’t necessary.
    Other difference is that their school is private and our school is public.
    And the principal difference is the age because in their school the students are between seven and twelve years while in our school the students are between twelve and eighteen years more or less.

    1. ERRORS:
      less people than in;

  11. Hello, I'm Paula Sanz.
    I find a difference with my centre and the center of the video. The first difference is the uniform, here we don't wear a uniform while in this school wear a uniform, in my opinion they're very ugly so I prefer don't wear them. The second difference is in the school of the video the students are between seven and twelve years and here in my village the students are between twelve and eighteen years. Other difference, our center is smaller than the center of the video. I prefer my school.

    1. ERRORS:
      In this school wear( no subject)
      I prefer don't wear them..... I would prefer not to wear them

  12. Hi! My name is Isabel. In this school, the parents and the teachers talk about the year with the student the individual way and I think the student feels more pressed. In my high school, the students are free for choose their itinerary without your parents influence. In the video´s school the students have a uniform, we haven´t it. We can wear how we want. Finaly, we don´t pay and in this high school is private and the students are smaler than we.

    1. ERRORS:
      the individual way.......in dividually, personally
      we can wear how we want................we can wear what we want or like we want
      in this high school is...............(no subject)
      students are smaler than we...............students are smaller than us


  13. Hello, I'm María Armada.
    The differences between our school and The Junior school are:
    They wear a uniform and we wear what we want. The ages of students are differents; we start with twelve years and they end with twelve years. They go whit their parents and they recived informacion about the school and the year. They paid, we don't paid. They are in small groups and we are much.

    1. ERRORS:
      the ages of students are differents............different
      we are much.................there are a lot of us in the same group

  14. Hello! I'm Marina Vela Herranz.
    In the video we can see many differences between this school and the other school. In this school the students wear a suit of the center but in our school we can wear the clotes that we want. Our parents don't pay any money for the year and in the other school yes. In this school the students start with seven years and end with twelve but here we start with twelve years. In the other school their parents go to visit the school and take a interview with the principal before the new year.

    1. ERRORS:
      in the other schoo yes........................but in the other school they pay.
      a interview................an interview

  15. Hi, I'm Ivan
    My school is very different to school video.
    This school is bigger than my school, but my school has more students than this school. The director speaks with the student and his parents.
    This school is more modern than my school, for example: art class and science class are better equipped than in my school.
    My school is public and this school is private.
    Students at this school have to wear the uniform, but, students at my school have to wear the clothes they want.

  16. In the video there are many differences between this school and the Junior Secondary.
    In the video, the students wear a uniform and here nobody wear a uniform. In our school there are more people, and don't have our own place for play. other difference is the ages. In our school there are people up to 16. Other important differtence is that in Junior School there are small groups of students and we are very much people. And finally our parents don't pay money for us to study here.

    1. ERRORS.
      nobody wear....................nobody wears
      place for play....................place for playing or place to play
      other difference................another difference
      we are very much people..............there are a lot of us

  17. Hello ,i am Benjamín Gómez
    The main differences between the Junior school and our school are: the teacher use to comunicate with parents.the student are between seven and twelve years old and here we are between twelve and eighteen. The student in the Junior School must wear an uniform.

    1. ERRORS:
      the teacher use.............the teacher uses / the teacher usually communicate
      an uniform.................... a uniform ( because the u is pronounced iu)

  18. Hi! I´m Ana Mestro.
    In the video there are menay differences with the school of nava. First, this school there are bigger than our and very modern. In this school there are more class for example the class of art. There are more comunication between the students and the teachers. Other difference is the ages in this school de students are small and in our school the students begin with 12 years. In this school the class are smaller and the students wear uniform.

    1. Errors:
      This school is bigger than our school
      There is more communication
      Students are younger
      The class is smaller..

  19. There are many differences between our school and the school on the video.
    The first one is the age, because the students in our school are from 12 to 18, and in the other school are from 7 to 12. Other difference is that in their school there is so much technology and in our not. Also in their school the students wear uniform, and we don't, and I think that this is a very good think because they don't waste the money that we waste in clothes to come to the high school. Our school is public, and this school is private.
    Finally the last difference is that in our school there is more people than in this junior school.

    1. Errors:
      -Another difference is
      -in our school isn´t
      - Finally,
      - There are more people
      Check your errors!

  20. there are a lot of differences:
    in our school there aren´t uniform and their school there are uniforms.
    we are more old than they.We go to school at the 12 to 18 year old and they go to school at the 7 to 12 years old.
    their school there are many tecnologie

    1. Errors:
      -there aren´t uniforms but they wear them
      -we are older than them
      -at the age of
      - In their school they have more technology

  21. Hi ! I´m Elsa Simón.
    There are some differences between our school and the other, for example the ages. In our school the ages are between twelve and eighteen years old, and in the video´s school there are students between seven and twelve years. The video´s school is bigger than our centre. In the video´s school the students has got uniform and they has a lot of material to use.


    1. ERRORS:
      -The students have got uniforms
      -they have
      OK.(basic vocabulary and repetitive structures)

  22. The differences between our school and the video´s school are:
    This school is bigger than our school. It is an art´s class. In the video´s school there are students between seven and twelve years ols, and our center the students are between twelve and eighteen years old. In this school, people have got uniform.

  23. Hello,my name is María de Juan.
    There are some differences between the two centers.
    One difference is the ages, in Junior School, the students have between seven and twelve years and in my high school is from twelve to eighteen.
    Junior School is a private school in wich you have to pay and wear uniforms and my school is public.
    Parents and teachers also comunicate differently.

    1. ERRORS:
      - The students are between
