Friday 18 October 2013

What happened in Philippines last Tuesday?. Click on the photo to find out information.

Graphic showing the epicentre of the 7.1-magnitude quake that struck the Philippine island of Bohol on Tuesday


  1. Last Tuesday 15th October 2013, a earthquake has ocurred in Philippines. The epicentre was Bohol and the quake's magnitude was 7'1. The earthquake has provoked a lot of building collapses and 161 died persons in Bohol, Cebu and Siquijor. The access to the islands was very difficult so was very difficult to help the victims too. Surgeors had to operate open air. Some boats moved injured people to come to the hospitals and some helicopters sent food to the victims. People shelter in government-run shelters, public buildings and tents. Politicians and mass media report all new news of the earthquake.

    1. This is a narrative text but there should be at least 3 paragraphs.

  2. Last week on 17th October, 2013, a powerful earthquake hit Bohol island, in Philippines. The earthquake, whose magnitude was 7.1, made to cut main roads and the patients who needed to be operated, had to wait because in the hospitals there weren´t beds for them. Now, people still missing because rescue workers maybe can´t find them, but also there are a lot of survivors injured. Apart of this, the earthquake, had collapsed buildings like monuments, churches or houses, and people who had lost their homes, must sleep in tents.
    One hundred people died, more or less, and there are about five hundreds injured survivors.

    1. This was supposed to be a narrative text not a newspaper article. There should be at least 3 paragraphs.

  3. Last week, on 16th October, 2013, ocurred an earthquake in Philippines. The earthquake´s magnitude was 7.1 on the Ritcher scale. There were eighty-seven people dead, and a hundred sixty-seven wound. Now, the people have got to rescue their workers and they have got to build the buildings, churches, monuments, houses...

    1. ERRORS:
      -an earthquake occurred......

      -the people have got to.... have to rescue/have to build

    2. There was a terrible eathquark in Filipinas, country that because of its geographical position in the Ring of Fire (Pacific Ocean) suffer a lot of eathquarks and a lot of volcanic eruptions. In this case the places more affected were Bohol and Cebu. But all country were destruyed. It happened last week on 17th October 2013.

      The search party worked very hard because a lot of people were missing and were trapped in the rubbles. And the people were safe must be attended by the hospitals that weren´t giving a vast. The affected people were complaining the slowness of the emergency party, but they did what could while the hospitals were crowed and the doctors atended the people in the street or in a lodgins of the government.

      Finally, at last the missing, the search party didn´t find all victims and they worked more hard. The houses and the churches are destruyed. People are worried because they don´t know what do from now.

    3. Errors:
      -the people were safe must be attended by the hospitals that weren´t giving a vast.(no struture)
      -complaining about
      -they did what they could
      -houses and churches are destroyed (no articles because you are talking in general)

  4. Because of the strong earthquake in the Philippines,killed 161 people.While in the hospital,the doctors had to prepare in the parking lot to attend the wounded. The entrance to the city was cut and destroyed buildings.Meanwhile,the wounded waiting to be teatred ata the search parking.Search partys scoured to find the missing bodies. The most casualtied ocurred in Cebu and Bobol. In this moment, the Philippines is in the ring on fire, where happen many earthquakes.

    1. ERRORS:
      -161 people were killed.
      -destroyed buildings cut the entrance to the city
      -parties (spelling)
      -the most casualtied ocurred (no sense)
      -where happen many earthquakes... (no structure)
      Did you use a translator? VERY POOR.

  5. The last week, on 17th October 2013 in Philippines there was a terrible earthquake, 161 people were killed. The earthquake´s magnitude was 7.1 on the Richer Scale.
    The country its in a Pacific Ocean in wich there are many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.The doctors had to prepare for attend the wounded.The search of the rescue worked very had because the people were missing and trapped in the rublles.
    Finally, the buildings are destruyed, the people are worried.

    1. Errors:
      for attend
      The search of the rescue worked very had because (no sense)

  6. A terrible earthquake has occurred in Philippines last week. It claimed 161 lives and it destroyed lot of old buildings and house.

    For emergency teams the main difficult aspect was the accessibility and the survivors waited under the rocks and the people killed.

    Finally the earthquake was a big disaster because there were many killed and because it destroyed the country`s top tourist destinations, for example: "Chocolate Hills" and tiny primates called tarsiers

  7. The last Tuesday there was an earthquake in Philippines. It killed more than 100 people, triggered landslides, ripped bridges a part and tore down centuries-old churches.
    The 7´1 magnitud quake destroyed a lot of buildings. The quake happened in the island of Bohol. There were 161 deads. Ten of thousands of survivors had taken refuge at government-run shelters in public building left standing on Bohol. Patients waited to be opereted on in the parking because the hospital was overthrow. Then the acess to the island was very difficult.
    Finally, the rescue workers was working very hard to find the missing people.

    1. Errors:
      -Last Tuesday

  8. Last week on 17th October, 2013, a powerful earthquake hit Bohol island, in Philippines. The earthquake, whose magnitude was 7.1. Now, the people have got to rescue their workers and they have got to build the buildings, churches, monuments, houses...

    1. ERRORS.
      -The earthquake, whose magnitude was 7.1. ........ (no finished)
      -have to rescue
      -have to build (got is used for possessions)

  9. Last Tuesday, at Philippines, there was a horrible esarthquake. This natural disaster killed more than 100 people and destroyed a lot buildings.
    The epicentre of the earthquake was located in the island of Bohol. All the cities near the epicentre suffered the most important damages but also the other cities were affected. The people that lived at this cities were evacuated to special centres in other to make easy the job of the emergency crews.
    This earthquake happenned because the Philippines are situated at the called Ring of Fire, a very active zone of faults, where thousands of earthquakes happened every year.

    1. ERRORS:
      -this cities ....these cities

  10. There was a terrible earthquake.It happened las thursday 18 of october.It happened in Philippines.Iy started with quake destroyed buildings.Then suddenly , there were holes every where.After that, police and emergency arrived to rescated people.Many persons have waited to the sanitary safeties two hours. In an alone building survive a person and as she comments it is not possible to believe it.It is calculated that 161 persons died.In my opinion it is a tragedy and is necessary to support these people

    1. ERRORS:
      -Last Thursday 18th October.
      -Iy started with quake destroyed buildings (no sense)
      -rescated ...rescue
      Many persons.......people
      -sanitary safeties.....medical help
      -a person survived

  11. There was a powerful earthquake at Philippines, a cause of this, al least 161 people died, there were some landslides and a lot of buildings were destroyed.
    At the island of Bohol, 6500 survivors must sleep in tents and in public buildings, because the earthquake destroyed their homes. Nearly all the fatalities were recorded on Bohol, one of the country's top tourist destinations.
    Unfortunately, this type of natural disasters often appears, because this group of islands are next to the "Ring of Fire", a zone in the Pacific ocean with a lot of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions happen.

  12. A terrible earthquake of 7.1 magnitude happened in Philippines. It happened thursday 18th october. In this terrible natural disaster have died 161 people.

    When the earthquake happened a lot of people were survivors of this tragedy. People hadn't their home because the earthquake destroyed them. They hadn't anything for eat and some rescue teams fed them. There were hurt people too and surgeons have saved the hurt people's life working.
    This natural disaster have destroyed a lot of buildings and because of this the principal highways were cut and no one could pass because there were a lot of aftershoks.

    This type of natural disasters regulary pass here because Philippines is located in the called "ring of fire" where a lot of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and other natural desasters happen there.

    1. Errors:
      - Spelling: Thursday
      - In this terrible natural disaster there were ....
      -people didn´t have
      -pass (it is not the correct word) Takes places/happens

  13. The last week, on 17th October in Philippines there was a terrible earthquake. In this natural disaster died 161 people.

    The quake happened in the island of Bohol.The search party worked very hard because a lot of people were missing and were trapped in the rubbles. This disaster have destroyed a lot of builiding.

    Finally, at last the missing, the search party didn´t find all victims and they worked more hard.

  14. ERRORS:
    - 161 people died
    - this disaster has
    -at ñast the missing.... (no sense)

  15. A terrible earthquake of 7.1 magnitude happened in Philippines. It happened thursday 18th october. In this terrible natural disaster have died 161 people.

    For emergency teams the main difficult aspect was the accessibility and the survivors waited under the rocks and the people killed.

    Finally, at last the missing, the search party didn´t find all victims and they worked more harder.

    1. ERRORS.
      -On Thursday 18th October (capital letters)
      -161 people died (word order)
      -more harder (2 comparative ) much harder or harder
