Thursday 2 October 2014

 I will always remember my years of high school. All the people I met, the moments I lived, and the guys I have loved during this time have been and will be some of the best memories in my life. Even though we are a very small group, eight students to be precise, we have been together for many years and shared moments that have marked our lives in special ways. Looking back, I can see that it was through high school that many things changed in me that eventually made me become the person I am today. Each one of my high school years differ in some way or another and it was these differences that made each one a very special time in my life.  

            My first year of high school was one of the best but at the same time one of my hardest years. I remember falling in love for the first time with a boy my mom completely hated and escaping from my house at night to see him (this is the reason why my window is now sealed). It was during this time that we as a family received the news that my mom was sick. I remember how we had to unite and be strong as a family to help my mom go through those hard moments and this made my view about my family change. Thanks to this, I started to appreciate what I had.          
 My second year was filled with no real preoccupations, parties, friends, and all the typical teenage stuff. I started to watch how many of my friends, who were seniors from the preview year, started to leave for college. I really missed them at the beginning of the year, but as time passed I got used to not having them around. I ended up being friends with a boy who I completely disliked, and who later became my boyfriend. 

            Now that I’m starting my third and last year of high school, which I have been waiting for since middle school, I feel sad about the end that’s coming but excited about the new beginning ahead of it. We started high school being a group of 12 and now we are only eight. Throughout our time at ASD, many have left and many others have arrived, and even though we are not together in school anymore, we continue being the big family we have always been. These are the people, memories, and feelings that I will always remember and I will carry with me wherever I go.

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