Sunday 23 November 2014

Sunday 2 November 2014

What do you think about the use of English as a global language?

Nowdays, the English language is part of our lives. Since we started the school till now in the high school we have had it as a subject and everybody tell you the importance of this language. We will use it in our future job, in our daily life, in mass media, and so on. It is essencial for the real life, the stocker market works out with technical words like broker, holdings, trust..., in the technology it is used in social networks, communication world... a lot of areas. But why is so important? 

I think this language allows to join all countries in the same code of communication,  it is vital for the globalization. We are connected in spite of all the different cultures. As a matter of fact, USA is the best publicist of this language because it is the model of the perfect country, "the new Roman Empire". There is nothing (civil wars, politic and economic decisions...) that USA controlates. In the past, English was spread around the world due to the spread of the British Empire its imperialism, countries like India or Pakistan use it in their Administration today. 

In conclusion, the English is the language of the future. It allows us to be connected and share the same code of communication, that is, English is the language of economy, politics, administrations etc.That is the reason why we should make a great effort to improve our level of English.

By Isabel Cámara.

Wednesday 22 October 2014


Twinning or e-twinning is the community for schools in Europe. It was born in 2005 as the most important iniciative of the European Comission and from 2014, it was part of the Erasmus + , the EU programme for education training, youth and sports.
It offers a platform for schools with the following purposes: collaboration, development and exchanges. This iniciative is based in to pilllar: the use of new technologies and resources to loan facilities to carry different projects and secondly to promote and encourage the process of learning languages. Moreover, this page is translated into 26 languages and it has about 200000 members and more than 5000projects.
I have watched several videos about these projects and I like many of them, especially: " How e-twinning impacts on learners" in which, teachers explained the value of the programme in learning and motivation, the different points of view  or cultures in common and the integration of children with disabilities.
                                                                                                                           By Marta García.

Thursday 2 October 2014

 I will always remember my years of high school. All the people I met, the moments I lived, and the guys I have loved during this time have been and will be some of the best memories in my life. Even though we are a very small group, eight students to be precise, we have been together for many years and shared moments that have marked our lives in special ways. Looking back, I can see that it was through high school that many things changed in me that eventually made me become the person I am today. Each one of my high school years differ in some way or another and it was these differences that made each one a very special time in my life.  

            My first year of high school was one of the best but at the same time one of my hardest years. I remember falling in love for the first time with a boy my mom completely hated and escaping from my house at night to see him (this is the reason why my window is now sealed). It was during this time that we as a family received the news that my mom was sick. I remember how we had to unite and be strong as a family to help my mom go through those hard moments and this made my view about my family change. Thanks to this, I started to appreciate what I had.          
 My second year was filled with no real preoccupations, parties, friends, and all the typical teenage stuff. I started to watch how many of my friends, who were seniors from the preview year, started to leave for college. I really missed them at the beginning of the year, but as time passed I got used to not having them around. I ended up being friends with a boy who I completely disliked, and who later became my boyfriend. 

            Now that I’m starting my third and last year of high school, which I have been waiting for since middle school, I feel sad about the end that’s coming but excited about the new beginning ahead of it. We started high school being a group of 12 and now we are only eight. Throughout our time at ASD, many have left and many others have arrived, and even though we are not together in school anymore, we continue being the big family we have always been. These are the people, memories, and feelings that I will always remember and I will carry with me wherever I go.

Saturday 26 April 2014


Last Sunday, 6th April 2014, a very sunny day, Navastock took place at the sport center of Nava de la Asunción, and thousands of people went to the fair to buy a lot of different things at a cheaper price.
Navastock is the combination of different shops, factories and garages that sell their products in a cheaper way to encourage people to buy. Each shop had its stand to sell their prodructs and moreover, every child who went there got a balloon and whistles to have fun while their parents were shopping. In addition, before the fair, at different business of our town, they sold raffles and the prize was 5000 euros, the winner was Estrella Gómez.
Many people said that the event was a very good idea and they said that it was a unique opportunity to know the variety of shops that you can find in Nava. As a result, local businessmen are planning Navastock for next year.

                                                                                      By Noemí Velázquez.


University students will receive 300 euros less for a grant this year.
Although the conditions established by the government are more difficult, there are more students who apply for the scholarship; in that way the amount of money for each student has decreased.
The minister J.I.Wert has designed a new scolarship system. It was thought that the scolarship holders will decrease with this system. Also it was guaranteed that anyone will quit the studies to work.This is not the reality because the number of the students with a grant has increased. If the number of  grants increase, the money of each grant has to be reduced.
As soon as students heard the news they started to protest against the new scolarship system.
                                                                 By Iván Ricón