Tuesday 5 November 2013

What will education be like in the future?
Click on the picture, read some articles about this topic and write your preditions about educations

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  1. It is considered that the teaching of the 21st century is like the 19th century. The new challenge now is to make schools of the 21st century, for the sake of students, teachers, ...
    In the future, we will try out the curriculum of the 19th century, and will try that education is based on the present. Thanks to solve this pencil and paper are removed and used over the head.
    Due to this, the theaching will best and the students may learn more and solve problems to his life.The students will best taught and may find work in other sites(England,France,...) and speak new languajes.

    1. Do you understand what you say? I would prefer you to use your own vocabulary.

  2. The education is changing if we compare it with the education of other centurys.
    Some years ago, we didn´t have devices like laptops or e-books because technology, it wasn´t the same. In near future, the education will be different but
    not worse. Now, teenagers live in a world where there is famine, poverty or global warming and it will help young people for thinking about important problems like that. Also, the way to teach won´t be the same because students will study with tablets, internet will be essential and in the near future will be more breakthroughs.
    For me it is interesting because you can learn new things but not by the same way.

    1. Errors:
      -because technology, it wasn´t.... (doble subject)
      -like that....like those ( plural)
      -in the near future will be.....in the near future there will be
      VERY GOOD.

  3. If we take a look into the future, we can imagine a lot of things will change. First thing all people thing is technology, breakthroughs, new devices to make our lifes easier.

    Thinking about education, also we can imagine new technology. I think in the future the books will be replace by digital books, and you will can have all your information , homeworks and all of things of school in a tablet or a similar device. It's probably that if we are ill or we can't go to class, we'll can see the class throw the internet, and we won't need notebooks, pens or other materials.

    All in all, future education will depend on technology and all new breaktroughs.

    1. Errors:
      - all people thing.............everyone thinks
      -lifes....lives (plural form)
      -you will can have.............you will be able to have
      -homeworks........homework (uncountable)
      -all of things.............everything

  4. I think that in the future the tecnology will make a lot of new breakthroughs and in the schools the people will use only computers for the class and other devices and they won't use books,pencils etc.

    The 21 century is the tecnology revolution century , if the tecnology education continues to make other devices and breaktroughs in the future I think the education will be very good.

    Now in class sometimes we use computers and other devices but in the future probably we use tecnology in all ours class

    1. Errors:
      - tecnology.............technology
      - in all ours class..............in every class
      OK. You repeat some words several times, try to use more vocabulary.

  5. The actual education is boring for a lot students because the classes are very similar: you read the lesson, you do your homework and you study for exam. I will change in the future. The children will learn with the tecnology and fun with the lessons.
    The computers will substitute the books, the pencils and the notebooks won´t be necessary and the teaches will can settle doubts across the videoconference.
    The students will be preparated for the future because I think the news breaktroughs will allow have information in any work camp.

    1. Errors.
      -actual (false friend)......nowadays the education
      -with the lessons......during lessons
      -Computers , books, pencils, notebooks... (no article because you talk in general)
      -the teachers will can settle.............teachers will be able to settle
      -news breakthroughs...........new breakthroughs
      -will allow have.........will allow us to have..

  6. Nowadays the majority of the students get bored with the routine. To do homework, to study and to do examinations.
    Into this century the technology can change everything, because of it one wants to introduce computers instead of books, we will not use pens and notebooks .. etc.
    In my opinion the classes in the future will be more interesting and attractive.We will use computer more than books and we won´t study so much.In the future we won´t need teachers because the classes will be given by robots.

  7. The education has changed and it will change.
    Some time ago, the computers were not in use in the education, but the technology has advanced very much and it is possible to use for the education. In the future the education will be very different because it will be more interactive because the books will be replaced with tablets, Internet will be more important and there will be other ways of studying more entertaining.
    The education and the technology will advance together

    1. ERRORS.
      -it is possible to use for the education. (no sense)
      -there will be other ways of studying more entertaining. ???

  8. In the past didn't exist the advanced technology. Now, we can enjoy the laptops, the TV, the white digital boards. Actually, our education is more entertained, but the level of difficulty it isn't very different. In the future, there will be technology breakthroughs. All the things will technology. The e-books for example, will substitute the paper books. All will different. In the future the class will be enjoy and encourage. The children wil go to class most happy and don't will feel bored.

    1. ERRORS:
      -In the past didn't exist the advanced technology ...What is the subject?
      -the laptops... no article "laptops, TVs, white digital boards" because you are talking in general.
      -entertained (how you feel) enterteining
      -the level of difficulty it is... (double subject)
      -technological breakthroughs
      - All the things will technology (no sense)
      - paper books..(no article because you talk in general)
      -Everything will be different.
      - the class will be enjoyable and encouraging
      -happier and they won´t feel.

  9. The education has change.
    In the past there were a lot of students and a onli teachers and now there are a lot of teachers and in the class there were many students. The backpack is a lot of heavy and ind the past only were 3 or 5 books.
    I think in thue future the students are going to give class interactive in his house .
    Now there are many advantages . There are ordinateurs, whiteboard

    1. ERRORS:
      -has changed
      -an only teacher
      - in the future students are going to have interactive classes at home
      - ordinateurs????
      Poor. You can do it much better.

  10. The 21st century is the century of technological revolution.The education is changing compared with the education of the other times; in those centuries we didn´t have computers or technology because the education was different.
    Actually, the teenagers live in a world where there are problems more importants.In the future, the education will be different but better.
    The way of teaching is different because the students will study with more progress. Is important because the teenagers are continues to learn whether different way.

    1. ERRORS:
      -more important problems
      -the students (the article is not needed because we talk in general)
      -Is important because the teenagers are continues to learn whether different way.(no sense)

  11. Nowadays the model of education is changing. In the past nobody used computers, all the classes were taught with books. When the technology revolution started, everything changed. Now in most of the classrooms of the schools you can see a computer or a digital board.
    Probably in a very near future there won't be books for teaching and everything will be taught by computers. Also the students that will be sick will be able to attend to classes by a videoconference through a robot like these days is doing in some countries.
    I think the education in 10 years more or less is going to be completely different than the current education.

    1. ERRORS:
      -is been done in ..
      -completely different to the current education.
      -don´t use the article "the" in plural forms because you don´t need it when you talk in general

  12. The education has changed all over these years and it will change in the near futur. In the past the students didn't use the electronic devices that we use now, but in our generation we are lucky to use all these devices that make learn easier. In the past the students only had books, but now we have tablets, interactive boards, laptops, internet conection and more advances that permite us study better. I think that in the future it will be more advances and the students will do all the work online by internet and the teaching will be completly interactive, and that's right because it makes learn funny, but one disadvantage is that books will be replaced by laptops or other device and maybe they dissapear from the classrooms.

    1. ERRORS.
      - that make learning
      - in the past, students( no article because you talk in genera)
      -there will be more....
      -they will disappear
      Check errors. Good Job!

  13. There are a lot of diferences between the education in this moment and the past one. One of the diferences is that some time ago there weren´t laptops, tablets and similar technology displays.

    At the moment these displays are very important as well as the internet to the searching of information; but I think that in the future a they will become more necessary than nowadays. For example, now we use text books and in the future we will use digital books. If the students or teachers are ill, they loose lessons; but it will change, and they can follow the lessons thought internet or robots.

    In my opinion the education will become better at the same time the society and technology will develop

    1. ERRORS:
      - differences
      - at the moment
      -internet for searching information
      -they miss lessons

  14. In the actual century, there is a lot of development about new tecnologies. Now, this new tecnologies are influencing a lot the form of teaching.
    The modern form of teaching is very diferent according to the old one. There are some differences between the two type of classes, some of this differences are that in the last century, the students were in isolated classrooms, and they studied and learnt through printed books. Inversely to this, actually, in some countries, there are outdoor classrooms, and the students aren't boring because they often learnt through works. Another difference is that in the 20 century, students have got less expectations than the students in 21 century.
    Probably, the 21 century's classes change a lot respect the other, it's almost certainly the actual form of teaching are better than the older one.

    1. ERRORS:
      -actual, actually (false friend)
      -different (spelling)
      -these differences
      -students (no article needed)
      Check errors.

  15. Now there are many diferences between to the actual education and the past education.In the past the students there aren´t any tecnology and they not used internet and other similar.The educacion has envolved a lot and the students now need the internet and the other tecnologys to can do his life.In my opinion the classes in the future will be more easy because the tecnology help to study.

    1. ERRORS:
      -actual (false friend)
      -students (no article needed)
      - to can do his life (no sense)
      -the technology helps

  16. The education has changed and it will change.
    In this moment I think that the education is very boring because there are a routine all days, and I think that in the future the educatios will more amusing.
    In the future the children will use computers and tablets in the school.
    In my opinion with the news technologies all everything will be better and will save more.

    1. ERRORS:
      - At the moment
      -there is a routine every day
      -children (no article because you talk in general)
      -new technologies

  17. The education will change, it will be more different that now.

    Now, the students use pens, pencils, notebooks, books and a bag wich it carry all the things I say before. The students wear the bags in the back and it can produce all of troubles in it.
    Thanks to new technologies these problems are going to dissapear. In the future, the students are going to use tablets and computers to study. The homework is going to be by the NET and it's possible students won't go to the school and the migh learn by the bed or by the sofa.

    I think new technologies will be better and the students will learn much more.

    1. ERRORS.
      -Students (no article)
      -it carries everything
      -it can cause health problems
      -on the net
      -might learn
